Dr. Laura Taylor releasing TMJ of white horse in Calgary BC

“Dr. Laura Taylor has been treating my horses for over 5 years now. I compete in dressage in Western Canada and the US. I have no doubt that the osteopathic work of Dr. Laura is the main reason my horses perform well and have not had any unsoundness issues.

What I love about Laura is that she is a veterinarian, osteopath, homeopath, acupuncturist, chiropractor and craniosacral therapist all rolled into one person. This makes her holistic work incredibly unique! If a problem comes up that may get better with acupuncture or a homeopathic remedy along with osteopathy then she is able to provide this special service. I also love that she can find problems in my horses that are not even on the radar of other professionals such as chiropractors, vets and equine massage therapists. She is able to detect things like hindgut ulcers and parasite issues before they become serious problems. I will be using her services for years to come because with her approach my horses feel good, move beautifully and are successful in their performance.”

Sherri Smith :: ​Calgary, Alberta

Leah Hope's gelding Spirit testimonial for Dr. Laura Taylor horse jumping and playing in the grass.

“This is my story of the search for wellness for my horse ‘Spirit’. He was rescued from a dire situation at the age of 18 months. He was so weak, riddled with worms and his prognosis was guarded. He recovered well from this, or so it seemed, and grew into a strapping youngster full of life and attitude. At the age of four he was started as a riding horse. And after that, it seemed there were intermittent issues with him. These issues were vague: difficulty finding a saddle to fit, irritability, back pain, neck pain, head pain, unwillingness to canter, one minute he was a sweetheart the next he wanted to kill me, training issues, throwing his head side to side etc., I knew that I had to find something to help him or I was going to get really hurt. I searched for 4+ years, every vet and practitioner in our remote B.C. community and beyond. The issues were neither obvious, nor consistent and conclusions ranged from ‘there is nothing wrong with this horse’ - to ‘this horse is in a lot of pain’. This left me empty and frustrated.

My search led me to Dr. Laura Taylor of Calgary, Alberta. Dr. Taylor is a DVM/Equine Osteopath. With desperation and a lot of hope, I drove my horse to Calgary to see what she could do. Dr. Taylor’s work is an approach to Equine Wellness and Optimal Performance. While some would argue that there was nothing ‘wrong’ with Spirit, Dr. Taylor saw a completely different animal.”

Leah Hope :: Trail, British Columbia Read -- A Story With Spirit

The years of experience and wisdom you have about Veterinary osteopathic medicine in equines has humbled me greatly and lit a fire in my soul. Especially regarding Verminous Arteritis (worm aneurysm)... I can’t get over how “magical” it is to treat a horse for this extremely prevalent and eerily serious condition caused by Large Strongyle worms. I’ve cried a lot of tears as my intuition kicked in and pointed me to look at the deaths of horses from my life, some of whom were directly impacted by this vitality robbing condition. The fact that typical rotational deworming was NOT enough to treat this condition, was a VERY large and painful pill to swallow.

I have completed the protocol on my current horses twice since they came to live with me. The change in both mares was unreal. They both had a large metamorphosis. They grew healthier coats, tails, their bellies got better shapes, their back muscles were able to develop nicely, they became more personable and less hypersensitive, their performance capabilities improved, My mare Stella can lift her trunk and bend correctly in her thoracic vertebrae! I’ll continue to treat my horses for it annually for the duration of their lives!

Thank you Dr. Laura. Thank you for being you. Thank you for continuing to spread the word about the importance of treating Verminous Arteritis in horses. I SEE YOU AND HEAR YOU.

Kate Duncan :: ​Madden, Alberta

what to expect

Find out what to expect during an equine treatment with Dr. Taylor